I don't mind my long locks, my only complaint is I wish my mane looked like that of a Panteen model;super shiny and healthy.
Ironically I am sure that those women in the Panteen commercials are not even using Panteen to achieve their shiny locks. I venture a guess at this because most commercial shampoos contain sulfates. Sulfates are an inexpensive chemical ingredient found in many household cleaning products such as floor cleaners, engine de-greasers, and shampoo.
These sulfates rid hair of oil and residue which sounds good because you want shampoo to cleanse your hair, however it also strips your hair of essential oils~thus leaving your hair dry, brittle and prone to damage and breakage.
I looked to my kitchen and staples that I have on hand for this Banana-Avocado Hair Mask.
1 ripe avocado
1 ripe banana
1 egg
1 tablespoon olive oil
Combine avocado, banana, egg, and oil in blender or food processor. Puree until as smooth as possible.
With your hands, work the mask onto your scalp and distribute it all over your hair, I paid special attention to my ends. Then cover hair with a shower cap and leave in for 20 minutes. Rinse hair and follow with regular shampoo and conditioner regimen.
Avocado - can help nourish hair that lacks moisture. Avocados contain vitamins, minerals and fats that will help restore shine in your hair.
Banana - helps in softening hair and promote elasticity therefore preventing split ends.
Egg - contain a large concentration of essential proteins and nutrients. Because of the high protein content, eggs can be used to strengthen hair.
When searching for shampoos and conditioners, look for ones that contain or use the word moisturizing/moisture and not protein. Protein is good to use once a month as in a hair mask however using it everyday will cause build-up on your hair.

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