After umpteen times of the question - "can we be in the picture mom?", I decided to share a post where they are the stars.
So for this post I will introduce you to my kids and combine some of the things I love. Kate (4 years old) and Emma (3 years old), doing craft projects with them and the holidays.
Each year I have family pictures taken and we rotate the seasons in which we take them. I will then use that picture for our family Christmas card. Well this year our family photo shoot is schedule for January so for our Christmas card I decided to take my own picture. But of course I had to attempt to make the card whiz-bang so I created my own photo shoot with them.
Here is what I did:
Hard part-always the hard part for me is finding finding their outfits. I do not like them to be in something that is too matchy, matchy (or wearing the same exact outfit) but they need to be something that goes, of course. So we headed to the mall (always a fun trip with a 4 and 3 year old) and went into The Gap. While there, we worked together, because 4 and 3 year olds can be oh so cooperative, and we came up with mutually agreed upon outfits.
I then bought a basic white sheet. Next, headed to Michael's Craft Store to buy a star stamp. They did not have a stamp but had a star wooden box instead that I thought could make work. I used marker and paint to put random stars onto the sheet. The sheet did not turn out like exactly like I wanted it to (you know the vision I had in my head) but under the time crunch that is my life, it had to make do. I taped the sheet to my dining room wall, uttered a few "Say cheeses" and there you have it. Our in-home Christmas card photo shoot.
I was really running behind on putting this together so it literally took me 20 minutes to do everything! They were sitting on the sheet and the paint was not even dry yet. I was praying and pleading with them not to move too much as to not get paint on themselves. So if you try this and leave yourself more planning time with your sheet and painting you can outshine what I have done here.

Kate and Emma's outfits and shoes can be found at The Gap